AgripPro Line Master

ProStraw Systems

AgriPro Line Master

AgriPro Line Master is a further development of our highly successful High Voltage Detection System. It incorporates our latest high voltage detection technology from our TSafe system. AgriPro Line Master now has improved sensitivity, greater interference rejection, wide input voltage range and much greater sensitivity range setting. Like our TSafe system, the new AgriPro Line Master features a signal strength meter to give the operator an indication of proximity to a detected overhead power line. Ideal for all vehicles, plant and machinery with variable height…

ProStraw Systems

AgriPro Line Master

Reliable and Easy To Use

The AgriPro Line Master is designed to prevent vehicles and machinery with a variable height from coming into contact with high voltage overhead power lines. The system consists of a cab mounted detection antenna and an in-cab audio/visual warning unit. The system can sense the presence of overhead power cables from up to 100 meters away. This warns the vehicle operator of the potential danger of overhead power lines. Supplied as a standalone unit (11-32v) or as an integrated part of Transport Supports vehicle safety systems.

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